A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Youth Aviation Club
The Tango Thirty One Aero Clube is an after school program for local high school students who seek to explore career opportunities in aviation.
The Clube is run and managed by an all volunteer staff of aviation professionals who donate their time. The Clube currently operates out of one of the Director's personal hangar.
The funding for the Clube comes from a variety of sources including cash and material donations from individuals and aircraft parts support from the aviation community.
The Clube is not affiliated with any accredited school district or organization.
As such, the young Clube Members do not receive any school or college credits for attending Clube gatherings, they show up because they want to become part of the aviation community.
Each Clube Member spends between 750 - 850 hours per year performing aircraft maintenance, restorations, attending aviation events, and what ever else needs to be done around the hangar.
In return for their sweat equity investment in the Clube's aircraft, Clube Members are allowed to fly their aircraft for the cost of fuel. The Clube aircraft fly approximately 375 hours a year.
Yes, the Clube Members actually perform all the maintenance on their aircraft. They rebuild engines, install avionics, and even paint their aircraft. In addition, they also fly these same aircraft.
All maintenance is performed under the supervision of FAA certified personnel and all the flying activities are conducted under the supervision of volunteer FAA Certified Flight Instructors.
Several Clube Members have earned their Private Pilot Certificates and some have gone on to earn multiple advanced flight ratings. In addition, a few of the Clube Members have gone on to earn their Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic Certificates with one earning his Inspection Authorization.
After graduating high school, many Clube Members earn scholarships and go off to notable colleges such as Embry-Riddle, Texas A&M, and OSU. They continue to return to the Clube during their breaks.

Clube Members laying out the paint scheme on 35Ugly.

Clube Members installing the wings on the SwampHawk.

Clube Members preparing to install an engine on 337.

Clube Members at Sun 'n Fun Aerospace Expo 2023 in Lakeland Florida with 35Ugly.

Clube Members at EAA's AirVenture 2023 in Oshkosh Wisconsin..